Rested Exp is like CRACK

So things have been going fairly easy except for ranom gankage by the occasional pack of 5 monsters that spawn on you at once. I'm pretty sure most people are susceptible to that bullshit. I finally got to level 24 I think I'll make it to 25-26 tomorrow or so. I dont know depends on whats going on. My armor is still super low... I can still tank orange mobs... and my pet is now classified as a wmd. All in all the project is still rolling along pretty damn well and I'm almost at the halfwaypoint numerically wise... I need to have a special post then with cake and nachos or something. This whole global barrens chat thing kinda pisses me off because nobody is screaming "GAY" all the time where I am building... and I get lonely.
Interesting Facts:
-Thanks to rested exp getting a quarter level took 10 minutes.
-The game is infact getting easier as I level which is frightening.
-The friends who were gonna play with me still havent started up while I'm almost in the 30's
-I'm about to reach the range where I get to go to stranglethorn vale, ashenvale, stonetalon mountains and thousand needles.
-I did infact spend the day with girls instead of playing WoW.
-We played tennis and I'm really bad at tennis.
-I'm worse at bowling.
I would have already started but my damn laptop has a case of the gay. And by gay I mean the power cord is fried and that I'm having to wait for a new one
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