THE FINAL POST!? I think not!

Level 60 baby!!!
Now for the lengthy recap of the situation and the progress I have made up until this point.
In late june I was coerced into playing WoW again by my cousins. I decided I would play again because they all happened to be on one server and I had nothing better to do with my life. My reason for quitting last time was that I was bored with the game and questing had become very tedious. So something needed to be changed or else I would not be able to play the game for a long period of time. So I looked at the game for some time, trying to figure out a way to make this interesting to me again. Some kind of challenge that I could do to make the game difficult. My biggest complaint was that the game was too easy. So I really wanted to make the game hard so I could not get bored while playing.
I chose to play through the entire game without armor. But what class and race would this be remotely possible with? My first instinct was shaman because they are a really beefy class. They can heal, deal burst damage and tank fairly well. The swiss army knife of classes. This idea quickly passed as I realized the incredible amount of armor dependancy they had. They needed armor for their mana pool and to protect themselves from harm, they are a melee class after all. Next idea was a mage but that wouldnt really be that difficult considering all they do is sit in the back and cast some kind of missle. Here we go I decided to pick the class that I think this would be the most possible with. A Hunter because the pet would take the hits for me therefore I wouldnt have to take damage. I could dual weild so I could get a bunch of stats on my weapons and basically be good to go.
Next up was the choice of race, It was between troll and orc really. I really had to weigh between stun resistance and regeneration + berzerking. Stun resistance is great for PVP but berzerking is good for all around awesome. 10-30% increase in attack speed is pretty great this is including casting, melee, ranged. I am fairly sure most of my characters from now on will be troll. I also really like the 10% regeneration in combat for health. Thats a huge bonus if you have a ton of spirit gear. I want to try making a spirit warrior at some point and see what happens.
My first hypothesis was that I would not make it past level 25 so I needed all the help I could get. I decided to wear gloves and boots to help me out. As I continued to level things just got easier and easier. I kept pushing my estimate of ending forward by 10 levels each time. By level 40 I had gotten rid of anything that I wore aside from trinkets (which didnt add any stats). So I was then fully naked and continued my endless grinding. Infact it was more entertaining to me to sit there grinding in one spot than to actually wander around doing quests. I also enjoyed being alone so I can talk on AIM or listen to music. It was actually kind of soothing to just wander in circles annihilating enemies. Althought this does not mean I didnt go on any instances. Instances are where I met most of my friends on Lightning's Blade.
Some where in the 50's My friends started playing again on Mal'Ganis so I did a character transfer and changed server. My name changed from Jumba to Juffowup which is unfortunate but a decent name none the less. CURSE YOU MAL'GANIS JUMBA I WILL FIND YOU!
Anyways back to the story closing in on 60 was the most frustrating experience I've had in this game. Level 60's were almost constantly farming the spots that I deemed decent to grind at. Infact many places were really terrible places to grind. The exp did not ramp up with level past 55. I may have been grinding at the wrong spots but it was just terrible and obnoxious in the amount of time you had to spend to level. EPL was the worst. I basically spent level 46-60 in Azshara. Which was pretty nice considering that there were alot less people there than in EPL.
I'm actually kind of nervous as to what I do now considering I finally made it to 60. Do I wear armor? If so should I restrict myself to specific kinds? I've been BGing and I'm doing average. I just need to get used to this dealing with people who have insane gear thing. The future is uncertain.
I do know some things. I want to raid.
Forum post
/played 14 days 10 hours Level 60
I want to see vids of your epic quest!
grats :)
That is unfortunately the only vid so far. Naked PVP is gonna be coming out shortly when I get decent at it :P
I think this was a cool idea and good job actually pulling it off.
PS: I didnt see it in your blog (I could have missed it). But why not take it to 70 naked when exp comes out?
That's too bad your name was taken on the new server, but I love the new one you picked. I bet not too many people get that these days.
"And so Continues the journey of the one with no life"...
get a life dude...
no, really... do it...
It's good... Beter than any MMORPG...
better than WoW, or RO, or Silkroad...
Life... take it... no monthly fees :D
its tales of hard work and perseverance like this that make me want to get more gametime.
on a less sarcastic note, well done. i play a priest, where gear is everything, and even then its not enough.
dude! its misc from lightnings blade. we partied a few times! congrats!! come back to lightnings blade duuuude!!
Raid? Ouch, better put on some clothes then. And get ready to waste more of your life! Raiding = life sucker
Wow I bet you saved allot of money on repair costs. Its not that much at first but over sixty levels, something tells me thats allot of gold.
Nice job. But please, no more people on Mal'ganis, we're full!
Or you can be evil and try slaying other players :P *apologies* had watched the South Park cartoon on WoW, which makes me have such evil thoughts :)
jeez, if you wanted a challenge, you should have just played lineage II, hardest f'n game in the world
umm its 2006 now, noo big deal
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