What I mean by that is I did a character transfer so I can play with my real life friends who randomly decided to play again. Unfortunatly my amazing name of Jumba doesnt work on this server so now I am known as Juffowup. Any Star Control fans out there would get the reference. For those who arent an explanation at the very end of this post will explain. So... this might wreak havok on the allakazahm account. So I get to deal with that... and gaining infamy on this server so I can get groups.
An approximate excerpt from guild chat as I left:
Jumba:"I'm leaving for mal'ganis"
guild:"What? Wait? Why?"
Jumba:"Because you are gay"
Jumba has been removed from the guild
So now that that is done with. I need friends on Mal'Ganis if any of you people who actually read this are on MG send me a tell. My name is Juffowup and I'm still the naked troll hunter.
The guild I joined on the new server seems to be one of the most badass on this server for multiple reasons. It makes me feel like I am back in Risen, well a more organized version of
1.) It's ok to say things like this to higher ranking people, "Shut up you god damned tree fucker"
2.) This guild is filled with alcoholics.
3.) My best friends happen to be in it as well.
On another note I finally made it to 56, Leveling is becoming extroardinarily boring... GRRRIIINNDDD
/played 12 days 4 hours
Interesting Facts:
-Havent tried getting a group on this server yet.
-I cant find a good place to grind that is my level.
Juffo-Wup is the hot bright light in the darkness. Whatever is not Juffo-Wup is The Non, and The Non can become The Void. And what the Non doesnt become is what Juffo-Wup can become. (dont yell at me if I didnt get it right... its confusing as hell)